
REGUA (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu) is a non-profit non-governmental association with a mission to conserve the Atlantic Rainforest of the upper Guapiaçu river basin located within the watersheds of the Serra do Mar in the municipality of Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. More specifically, REGUA's objectives are i.e. to protect the area from anthropogenic pressures such as hunting, fire, forest clearance, construction and the illegal exploitation of forest products, to establish a comprehensive inventory of its biodiversity, to restore lost and damaged habitats and reintroduce lost species where practical, and to educate.

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Amigos de Iracambi is a non profit organization, supporting a Research Center which is based on a sustainable forest farm where we can put our ideas to work. They’re in the buffer zone of the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park in the mountains of the state of Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil.

The name Iracambi comes from the Tupi Indian words “ira” (honey) and “cambi” (milk): their vision is to see this beautiful land of milk and honey restored, with thriving communities living sustainably in a thriving landscape. They’re doing this through research, programs and projects, working with the community to make the conservation of the rainforest more attractive than its destruction.

Please click here for more details about volunteering options.

Projeto Gatos do Mato ヨ Brasil is a large scale multidisciplinary effort to study Brazilian felids. It started recently as a project on the biology, distribution and conservation status of the little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus), that joined together all researchers conducting field work with the species throughout Brazil. This small cat is currently the main focus, but the project greatly expanded to include all other felids in all Brazilian biomes.

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